1. Use Jokes This Way with Women - Zherka Analysis

    Use Jokes This Way with Women - Zherka Analysis

  2. Do this when she gives You the Number - PWF Indian Guy ANALYSIS

    Do this when she gives You the Number - PWF Indian Guy ANALYSIS

  3. Analysing Coach Kyle Street Game - Pickup Dating ANALYSIS

    Analysing Coach Kyle Street Game - Pickup Dating ANALYSIS

  4. Avoid Telling her that You are Younger - ANALYSIS of Zherka Dating Podcast

    Avoid Telling her that You are Younger - ANALYSIS of Zherka Dating Podcast

  5. Zherka Teasing Woman THE RIGHT WAY - ANALYSIS of Rizz Pickup Dating

    Zherka Teasing Woman THE RIGHT WAY - ANALYSIS of Rizz Pickup Dating

  6. Manipulation with Zherka and Sneako - Pick up Analysis

    Manipulation with Zherka and Sneako - Pick up Analysis

  7. Zherka using Manipulation - Pick up Analysis

    Zherka using Manipulation - Pick up Analysis

  8. Make Feminists Angry by doing This - Pickup Analysis of PWF

    Make Feminists Angry by doing This - Pickup Analysis of PWF

  9. Zherka Punishes Misbehavior - ANALYSIS of Zherka Game

    Zherka Punishes Misbehavior - ANALYSIS of Zherka Game

  10. Zherka SELECTIVE HEARING - Analysis of Zherka Game

    Zherka SELECTIVE HEARING - Analysis of Zherka Game

  11. Tell her What to Do - Analysis of Indian Pickup Artist - Playing with Fire Indian

    Tell her What to Do - Analysis of Indian Pickup Artist - Playing with Fire Indian

  12. Infield Analysis of Chad going Full Mark Zuckerberg

    Infield Analysis of Chad going Full Mark Zuckerberg

  13. Analysis of Infield from Playing with Fire - NEVER DO THIS

    Analysis of Infield from Playing with Fire - NEVER DO THIS

  14. DONT DO THAT! - Analysis of Chad approaching Woman - Pickup Infield Breakdown

    DONT DO THAT! - Analysis of Chad approaching Woman - Pickup Infield Breakdown

  15. Dont do this after 1 Minute - Infield Pickup Analysis Breakdown

    Dont do this after 1 Minute - Infield Pickup Analysis Breakdown

  16. Analysis of Coach Kyle - Stop being Excited - Pickup Infield Breakdown

    Analysis of Coach Kyle - Stop being Excited - Pickup Infield Breakdown

  17. Dont do this with Older Woman - Infield Analysis

    Dont do this with Older Woman - Infield Analysis

  18. ATTENTION IS CURRENCY - Pickup Infield Breakdown - Playing with Fire Alex Analysis

    ATTENTION IS CURRENCY - Pickup Infield Breakdown - Playing with Fire Alex Analysis

  19. Analysing Adin Ross Rizz - Dismissive and distracted

    Analysing Adin Ross Rizz - Dismissive and distracted

  20. Analysing Adin Ross Rizz - Being dismissive

    Analysing Adin Ross Rizz - Being dismissive

  21. This Makes Woman think You are BETA - Analysis of Approach

    This Makes Woman think You are BETA - Analysis of Approach

  22. Anxiety Spikes in Women When You Do This - STOP DOING IT - PWF Breakdown

    Anxiety Spikes in Women When You Do This - STOP DOING IT - PWF Breakdown

  23. Give Women Feedback and Change them - ANALYSIS of Zherka

    Give Women Feedback and Change them - ANALYSIS of Zherka

  24. Give Women Feedback and Change them - ANALYSIS of Zherka 2

    Give Women Feedback and Change them - ANALYSIS of Zherka 2
