1 year ago2016 interview with Radio Télévision Suisse, World Economic Forum founder, Klaus Schwab, asserts that humans will have microchips implanted in their brains, and under their skin, by 2026.nonvaxer420
3 years agoFormer DARPA director, Regina E. Duncan producing microchips to ingest for "authentication"Kephas
1 year agoFormer DARPA director & now Google executive Regina Dugan wants you to swallow ID microchipsSettingBrushfires
3 years agoDARPA| Vaccino Gel impiantabile sotto pelle; monitorerà continuamente il corpo per i segni del virusCoscienzaInfinita
4 years agoNORMALIZING T-MARK OB: State of Israel MICROCHIP KIDS HD [REPOST]GMSHOLLAND thegreatgathering144
2 years ago“腦機接口”_未來會發生的“可怕事情”,正在發生!“AI人工智能”、“納米技術”,改造與掌控人類“心靈和思想的自由意志”,人類將成“無我存在”!沒有溫度和靈性的“冰冷世界”…mcy1227