Tucker Carlson Vladimir Putin Interview | "BRICS countries accounted for only 16% of the world economy in 1992, but now their share is greater than the G7. This is due to the trend of global development and world economy. This is inevitable. This wil
Tucker Carlson Vladimir Putin Interview | Tucker" “You’ve described US presidents making decisions & being undercut by their agency heads. It sounds like you’re describing a system that’s not run by the people who are elected in your tell
Yuval Noah Harari | "You Listen to Somebody Like Lenin or Stalin They Tell You. We Want to Completely Abolish Private Property. The Nature of Money Is Going to Change Quite Dramatically."
The Great Reset | "Humans Will Change More In the Next 100 Years Than In Their Existence Before. AI And Biotech Could Undermine the Idea of Individual Freedom. Democracy Cannot Survive the Merger of Biotech & Infotech." - Yuval Noah Harari
Artificial Intelligence | "With Artificial Intelligence We Are Summoning the DEMON." - Elon Musk | "We Could Effectively Merge with Artificial Intelligence. Yes (We Could Download Our Human Brain Capacity Into An Optimus Robot." - Elon
Yuval Noah Harari | "We Can Fall All the Way Down Very Quickly Within Just a Few Years. If Bad Comes to Worse When the Flood Comes the Scientists Will Build a Noah's Ark for the Elite Leaving the Rest t o Drown."
Killer Robots | "We Got Several Leading Robotics Companies, In China, the United States & In Europe to Co-Sign a Letter That Said We Would Not Put Weapons On Robots." - Robert Player (CEO of Boston Dynamics, the Creators of Humanoid Atlas)
Yuval Noah Harari | "Christianity Doesn't Like Sex Very Much. Now If You Give the Tools to Overcome Biology, Just Think About the Sex Life. No If You Can Really Start Messing With Human Biology What Will Be the Result of These Sexual Fantasies.&
Yuval Noah Harari | "Think About the Politician You Most Hate In the World, and Take a Few Minutes to Think What Would They Do With THE TECHNOLOGY THAT I AM DEVELOPING RIGHT NOW?"
Yuval Noah Harari | "You Didn't Need to Fantasize What These Communists Wanted to Do, They Told You. You Listen to Somebody Like Lenin or Stalin They Tell You. We Want to Completely Abolish Private Property."
Yuval Noah Harari | "Bio-Engineering 2,000 Years Ago In China?! Yes. Castration Is Bio-Engineering. A.I. Can Potentially Take Power Away from Us. You Apply for a Job. Increasingly an A.I. Is Making a Decision."