2 years agoEcuador: 11th day of a general strike, massive protests against neoliberal policiesPublius1215
1 year agoEcuador: Indigenous activists demand water access, Pres Lasso's impeachment at rally in Quitodemonstration
2 years agoProtests are growing all across Ecuador over a spike in prices for fuelRussia Ukraine UpdatesVerified
2 years agoDutch farmers convoy blockades distribution centers and supermarkets to protest farm closuresPublius1215
1 year agoEcuador extends state of emergency to curb protests against high fuel pricesThe Rio Times: Latin America and Alternative Narratives
2 years agoRising Fuel and Food Prices Ignites Protests as the Indigenous People of Ecuador Revolt #shortsJayden X
1 month agoU-Haul Of Undocumented Illegal Migrants In FL Proves DeSantis' Policies Can't Advance Fast EnoughNewsVids