1 year ago9 Low Level Lasers at Synergy Wellness! Most advanced, non-invasive Low Level Lasers in the World!drtimharrigan
6 months agoRevolutionizing THC Testing: Detecting Cannabis With Just a Few Drops of SalivaCryptostreets
1 year agoThe “Synergy” of Why we Get Real Results! Sometimes things only work together, vs. individually!drtimharrigan
1 year agoSynergy Wellness Erchonia Lasers! The most effective therapy we have ever witnessed!drtimharrigan
1 year agoGVL Laser 1 Treatment Challenge! Low Back radiating pain… From a 7 pain to a 2 on the pain scaledrtimharrigan
1 year agoCardiaware/Qardiomist, Nitric Oxide, Nobel Prize, Cardiovascular Support, Blood Pressure, Energy!drtimharrigan
1 year agoWhat to expect after Adjustments! Post adjustment & treatment TIPS and REMINDERSdrtimharrigan
1 year agoExercise/Movement is not for you Muscles/Bones, it's actually needed for your BRAIN!drtimharrigan
1 year agoImagine what you could accomplish in a Year, if you Focused… #health #success #weightlossdrtimharrigan
1 year agoReferral Program/Drawing! If you have ever referred to us, you were likely in this drawing!drtimharrigan
1 year agoToo many people NEGLECT their HEALTHY HABITS while being distracted by life's challenges..drtimharrigan