Biden's Press Sec keeps saying "we want to turn the page on this" after debate disaster. CNN: "But she does not offer one, one bit of evidence or reasoning or rationale for why did America see what they saw that night?"
Biden's Press Sec: "Obviously our deepest condolences go out to families who lost 3, 3 brave, um, 3 brave, um, 3, 3 folks who are, who are military folks who are brave, who are always fighting, who were fighting on behalf of this administration
Biden's Press Sec: "If American people hear directly from us they will know exactly what we've been doing... we understand that prices, again, are too low... black wealth jumped up by 60%... high inflation because of pandemic..."
Like a broken record: Biden's Press Sec doesn't answer questions, instead repeats the same nonsense over and over again and when challenged - threatens to leave.
Painful to watch: Biden's Press Sec doing damage control after refusing to answer a simple question about the disaster at the border but still can't answer it, just blames Republicans and previous administration.
Biden's Press Sec: "I've sorta kinda seen the reporting... I'm just not going to, um, uh, not going to, I'm not going, I, um, um, I'm just not going to go into specifics on that particular thing..."