1 year ago5G is a weapon, it can kill people, it can create any symptom, says Reiner FuellmichBiological Medicine
1 year ago5G radiation is a far greater threat than the vaccine, says Reinier FuellmichBiological Medicine
1 year agoBlood clots are forming 1.5 years after the last shot of the COVID vaccine says Peter McCullough, MDBiological Medicine
3 months agoBEWARE: Dentists Knowingly Injecting Self-Assembling Nano-Tech Into PatientsBiological Medicine
1 year agoPeople injured by the vaccine having incredible results with hydrogen peroxide, says Bryan Ardis, DCBiological Medicine
2 years agoDR GABRIELLE LYON | SKELETAL MUSCLE IS LONGEVITY…If fall: armor If can’t train: amino acid reserveDoctors To Trust
2 years agoBLOOD CLOT to brain causing seizure - this poor chap is a vegetable now. Sad Video.Biological Medicine
1 year agoThere was NO excess mortality from COVID-19 before the vaccine, says Reiner FuellmichBiological Medicine
2 years agoBlood clots are forming 1.5 years after the last shot of the COVID vaccine says Peter McCullough, MDBiological Medicine
1 year agoRepeated VAXX poison injections generate immune tolerance to spike proteinBiological Medicine
2 years agoThis vaccine can permanently damage heart, brain, blood vessels, nervous system, immune systemBiological Medicine
1 year agoPfizer Vaccine Side Effects | How many more videos of this do people need to see?Biological Medicine