2 years agoRussians invaders during regroup from Kherson drowned two infantry fighting vehiclesFromUkraine
2 years agoI senatori USA approvano la legge Lend-Lease sugli aiuti militari all'Ucraina per la prima volta dalla seconda guerra mondiale la legislazione consentirà il rimborso di armi e munizioni consegnate in un secondo momento.MERDALIA💩LA REPUBBLICA DELLE BANANE E DEGLI IDIOTI
2 years agoBiden has signed the Lend-Lease Act to get even more weapons to Ukraine fasterTruth Network
2 years agoRussisches Lend-Lease. Die Ukrainer in der Nähe von Izyum waren mit gepanzerten Fahrzeugen gut verUkraine-Kriegsvideo mit deutschem Untertitel
2 years agoRussian Lend-Lease. The Ukrainians near Izyum were well reinforced with armored vehicles. Two typUkraineWarVideosWithEnglishSubtitle
2 years ago"Russian Lend-Lease": the T-80U trophy tank pulls the MSTA-B trophy howitzerUkraineWarVideosWithEnglishSubtitle