THE PHYSICAL COUNTERPART-DEVIL ON EARTH: THE MYSTERY OF INIQUITY. “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most high” NASA’S SPACE EXPLORATION…..EZEKIEL 28TH & ISAIAH 14TH CHAPTER IS SPEAKING ABOUT (ESAU EDOM,AMALEK)!
BLACKS & BLACK LATINO MOTHERS EVE MANY ARE ANTAGONISTS, YOU PROVOKE THINGS & WHEN YOU START TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR IT YOU FLIP & TWIST IT…THE CURSES!!🕎 Ephesians 6:4 “ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up
THE PHYSICAL SATAN “THE DEVIL” WAS REBELLIOUS SINCE THE GARDEN, FROM THE BEGINNING, CAIN MURDERED ABEL, ESAU SEEKING TO MURDER JACOB….THE SONS OF THE WICKED!!(CAIN, ESAU EDOM, AMALEK)🕎Genesis 4:2-16 “And now art thou cursed from the earth”
MOTHER REMOVES HER 15-YEAR-OLD DAUGHTER FROM INDIANA HIGH SCHOOL AFTER SHE EXPERIENCES RACISM, EVEN AFTER WHITE STUDENTS WERE SUSPENDED.🕎Genesis 27:41 “And Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing”