DeSantis NUKES Kamala After She Politicizes Hurricanes Against Him—She is IRRELEVANT in This Process [and in Any Process Over All, Except for (by Default) Waking Up Souls Still Functioning Under the Soulless Frequency of #TheBackfillPeople!]
Personality-Balance: You Must be as Humble as You are Badass/You Must be as Badass as You are Humble—BUT YOU BETTER BE BOTH + Successful People Don’t Typically Judge, Leaving All Options to Further Success Open and Available! | Entrepreneur
JFK JR. ALIVE?? Jason Shurka Asks, RFK Jr. Answers! (1/15/24 FLASHBACK) | WE in 5D: The Trump/RFK Jr. Merge is the Closest "Q"Anon'ers Will Get to Their Qanonsense. What Did I Say Earlier This Year?: 2024 Will Strip Away ALL Your Delusions!