A VERY clear message 👂 from @Nonvaxer420 to all the sensor hunters , Controlled Opposition AGENTS In The " Truth" Movement! - FUCK AROUND AND YOU WILL FIND OUT! I'M NOT GOING TO PUSH YOU'RE LIES!
How is Kamala going to be president for "all Americans" if she lies about her political opponent, calls him Hitler, fascist, etc. & walks away like a coward from a simple Q: "Do you agree with Biden in wanting to lock Trump up?"
Nazi Hunter Simon Weisenthal had 11 witnesses testify against Frank Wallace stating he was an SS Officer who committed war Crimes. But they were all LIES!
Besides all the other nonsense and tons of word salad, Kamala ads her own invented lies to debunked "suckers and losers" claim: "Trump called military service members uncourageous and cowards."