Lori Gregory & Andy Wakefeld | “It Is Not Just The Covid Vaccine That Is Coming For Our Children And We Are Standing On The Backs Of These Children That Have Been Broken And Hurt For Decades.” - Lori Gregory
Josh Yoder | “HR4980 Proposes That They Are Going To Lock You Down If You Are Unvaccinated And You Will Neither Be Able To Arrive Or Depart At US Airports Without Showing A Vaccine ID.” - Josh Yoder
Andy Wakefield | "Half The World, Now Is Concerned About Vaccine Safety, About Vaccine Mandates, About Bodily Autonomy. So If You Think We're Losing Think Again."
Megyn Kelly | "I Regret Getting the COVID Vaccine, And for the First Time I Tested Positive for An Auto-Immune Issue At My Annual Physical." - Megyn Kelly + "The COVID-19 Vaccines Cause Aids." - The Late Great Dr. Zelenko (May He Rest
CBDCs | "It Will Be the Final Revolution." - Aldous Huxley | "Turn-Key Turnkey Totalitarianism. Vaccine Passports Are the Last Part of That Infrastructure."
Doctor Robert Malone | "One of the Transformational Points In Time for This Technology Was When DARPA Decided to Issue a Large Contract, a Series of Contracts to Enable the Development of mRNA and Specifically mRNA Use for Vaccine Purposes."