2 years agoEdward Snowden’s Invisible wife outfit. #edwardsnowden #bertasima #outfitideasOutfit Inspirations For Current Events
11 months agoChicago Is No Longer Asleep 👏🏻 Resident Destroys Committee On Immigrant & Refugee Rightsalexlunaviewer
1 year ago👀 Glenn Greenwald Warns of the Government's Plan for 'Total and CompleteRedpillUSAPatriotsVerified
2 months agoThe UK has officially fallen. I suggest everyone in the Government get voted outpalmernpVerified
4 months agoWhy would Homeland Security be conducting a Large Scale Cyber Simulation attack on election day?”OLICHKA789
2 months ago“Japanese Scientists have just created a method to create edible steaks from Human Faeces”palmernpVerified
1 month agoPutin- war in Ukraine never would started, if the election hadn't been stolen from Trump in 2020!OLICHKA789
3 months agonew cars are doing more than just watching you.... restore a classic instead....OLICHKA789
8 months agoArrested for eating a sandwich but you can loot stores at will, or do heroin on the sidewalk...Free Your Mind Videos
2 months agoCancer patient in Canada has to flee to the U.S. because "FREE" healthcare is overrunOLICHKA789