1 year ago2% of FAMERS think TRUDEAU supports agriculture as LIBERALS pushes for QUADRUPLING the CARBON TAXCanada Stands
1 year agoSeptember 2015, I took Ayrton & Gabrielle to interact with Shetland ponies2015SecondSemesterInteraction
1 year agoWe are all part of Trudeau's FAILING EXPERIMENT & it's HURTING Canada | Pierre's FINAL Speech Part 1Canada Stands
1 year agoTrudeau's UNEBATED WAR on ENERGY has the liberals saying you've never been betterCanada Stands
1 year agoPierre's facts are insane! 19x increase in interest rates after Trudeau promised they'd stay lowCanada Stands
1 year agoDo you KNOW how DEEP the David Johnston conflict of interest went? Way beyond the TRUDEAU FOUNDATIONCanada Stands
1 year agoMichael DEMANDS a public inquiry but gets a Liberal WORD SALAD response insteadCanada Stands
1 year agoThe Liberals MUST acknowledge that catch and release has FAILED | Raquel outlines the FACTSCanada Stands
1 year agoEnergy projects pack their bags to leave Canada | Pierre bemoans the 25 years wait to approve a mineCanada Stands
1 year agoPierre debunks the "non-partisan" status of Trudeau's appointee: David JohnstonCanada Stands
1 year agoHas Trudeau destroyed David Johnston's legacy? Trudeau quotes Pierre before Pierre fires backCanada Stands
1 year agoAWKWARD! Trudeau was PROVEN WRONG. Interest rates are 19x HIGHER and Pierre isn't happyCanada Stands
1 year agoPierre's simple question to Trudeau: Will you be paying for your hotel? His non-answer says it allCanada Stands
1 year agoSTAND UP Trudeau and ANSWER! Will the Chinese diplomat who targeted Michael Chong be expelled?Canada Stands
1 year agoPierre: Trudeau's LIBERALS leave their SPINAL CHORDS at home as carbon tax is QUADRUPLEDCanada Stands