1. ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “J ” - it is a latecomer to the alphabet and originally had no sound value. The letter itself began as a scribal modification of Roman -i- in continental Medieval Latin.

    ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “J ” - it is a latecomer to the alphabet and originally had no sound value. The letter itself began as a scribal modification of Roman -i- in continental Medieval Latin.

  2. March 26 Evening Devotional | A Morning Star of Hope | Morning and Evening by Charles Spurgeon

    March 26 Evening Devotional | A Morning Star of Hope | Morning and Evening by Charles Spurgeon

  3. HAPPY or JOYFUL??? Which is Better? Discover the Difference #Bible #Study #Truth #Short #shorts

    HAPPY or JOYFUL??? Which is Better? Discover the Difference #Bible #Study #Truth #Short #shorts

  4. Homesick for Sweet Beulah Land - Rogersings

    Homesick for Sweet Beulah Land - Rogersings

  5. Exposing @chrislasala once again for beating his wife which excludes him from preaching or a pastor!

    Exposing @chrislasala once again for beating his wife which excludes him from preaching or a pastor!

  6. Prophetic Word: 9-27-21 Since Thou Has Not Hated Blood, Blood shall Pursue Thee!

    Prophetic Word: 9-27-21 Since Thou Has Not Hated Blood, Blood shall Pursue Thee!

  7. January 18 AM | Hebrews 4:9 | Spurgeon's Morning and Evening | Audio Devotional

    January 18 AM | Hebrews 4:9 | Spurgeon's Morning and Evening | Audio Devotional

  8. King Benjamin Teaches His People to Believe in God | Mosiah 4 | #FaithToAct | Book of Mormon Videos

    King Benjamin Teaches His People to Believe in God | Mosiah 4 | #FaithToAct | Book of Mormon Videos

  9. March 30 PM | TRY OUR WAYS | C H Spurgeon's Morning and Evening | Audio Devotional

    March 30 PM | TRY OUR WAYS | C H Spurgeon's Morning and Evening | Audio Devotional

  10. Prophetic Word: 9-27-21 Since Thou Has Not Hated Blood, Blood shall Pursue Thee!

    Prophetic Word: 9-27-21 Since Thou Has Not Hated Blood, Blood shall Pursue Thee!

  11. Prophetic Word: 9-27-21 Since Thou Has Not Hated Blood, Blood shall Pursue Thee!

    Prophetic Word: 9-27-21 Since Thou Has Not Hated Blood, Blood shall Pursue Thee!

  12. Prophetic Word: 9-27-21 Since Thou Has Not Hated Blood, Blood shall Pursue Thee!

    Prophetic Word: 9-27-21 Since Thou Has Not Hated Blood, Blood shall Pursue Thee!

  13. Prophetic Word: 9-27-21 Since Thou Has Not Hated Blood, Blood shall Pursue Thee!

    Prophetic Word: 9-27-21 Since Thou Has Not Hated Blood, Blood shall Pursue Thee!

  14. Prophetic Word: 9-27-21 Since Thou Has Not Hated Blood, Blood shall Pursue Thee!

    Prophetic Word: 9-27-21 Since Thou Has Not Hated Blood, Blood shall Pursue Thee!

  15. Prophetic Word: 9-27-21 Since Thou Has Not Hated Blood, Blood shall Pursue Thee!

    Prophetic Word: 9-27-21 Since Thou Has Not Hated Blood, Blood shall Pursue Thee!

  16. Prophetic Word: 9-27-21 Since Thou Has Not Hated Blood, Blood shall Pursue Thee!

    Prophetic Word: 9-27-21 Since Thou Has Not Hated Blood, Blood shall Pursue Thee!
