PCR Tests | Doctor Kary Mullis Was Awarded a Nobel Prize for His Invention of the Polymerase Chain Reaction Test | A PCR Is a Method of Analysis & Wasn't Designed to Test for a Virus | "We PCR You Can Find Almost Anything In Anybody." -
Yuval Noah Harari | "With An A.I. It Doesn't Have This Interrupt In Emotions. It Can Give Us 100% of Its Attention. We Might Get So Used to These Wonderful Relationship with A.I. That We Become Frustrated With These Humans." - Yuval Noah Ha
Trump for Speaker of the House? Trump for Speaker of the House with a Mission To: 1. Call Out the Satanic Agenda 2. Defund the Swamp 3. Investigate the DEEP STATE (See Show Description for DETAILS)
Trump | "I'm OK With It (Jail Time). You Don't Beg for Anything. It's Just the Way It Is." - The 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump (June 2nd 2024) + Trump Reacts to Being Found Guilty On All 34 Counts
Yuval Noah Harari | "I Think That Good Nationalists Should Also Be Globalists. If You Really Want to Take Care of the People In Your Nation You Should Cooperate w/ Other Nations. It's Like This In a Pandemic & When We Have to Deal"