5 months ago100 Million Animals Injected w/ mRNA Technology - Hardly Anyone Knows About it (2/23/23)Truths UnlimitedVerified
6 months agoSynthetic mRNA, GMO, intending to be GOD, and they can not!The Real Dr. Judy A. MikovitsVerified
11 days agoCasey DeSantis Wants All mRNA Covid vaccines (aka bioweapons) In The Childhood Schedule Banned ImmediatelyFanaticVoyageVerified
24 days ago一针疫苗里的40万亿mRNA(刺突蛋白)会彻底破坏身体里的免疫力和让血管堵塞! 就会出现到心肌炎、心肌梗塞、脑梗、脑血管梗死、癌症等一系列疾病! 并且不吃解药,永远无法消除!Himalaya Quantum 旧金山量子农场
2 years ago"The 'Covid-19' 'MRNA' Vaccination Program" Is A Catastrophic Mistake! Dr. Paul Alexander'AndreCorbeil
2 years agoModerna’s New 9 Dose mRNA Skin Cancer Vaccine Boosts Survival Rates in Melanoma PatientsChief Nerd
2 months agoProfessor Francis Boyle Says That He Would Classify the mRNA ‘Vaccines’ So Called as BioweaponsConcerned for Truth
1 year agoMRNA shots are ‘GENE THERAPY’ MARKETED as ‘vaccines’ to gain public trust Says Big PharmaBiological Medicine
2 years agoIsraeli COVID Vaccine Dir BANNED by Twitter for Exposing Link Between Monkeypox& mRNA JabsMLordandGod
1 year agoI don’t know of any deaths from the mRNA vaccine because the myocarditis was so mildRussia Ukraine UpdatesVerified
2 years agoElon Musk Says mRNA is a computer software that you can basically do "anythingRussia Ukraine UpdatesVerified
1 year agomRNA vaccines are designed to poison people; a certain number of doses will kill youBiological Medicine
2 years agoDr. Peter McCullough: "mRNA is Transferring From the Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated."Bookend
1 month agoCheck out #34: /24 Best Streaming Content & Trump n mRna & Seed OilsThe Electric Current Rundown