#140 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Sen Wendy "Dodgers" Rogers & The LegislaTURDS DON'T Want To Investigate Election Fraud & Corruption Presented At The Joint Meeting 2/23 & Nov 8! They Forgot They Work For Us! HELP US DEMAND IT!
#104 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Corrupt & Fraudulent Elections Are The Thread That Fuels Child Sex Slave Trafficking - BAN THE VOTING MACHINES & LET'S SAVE GOD'S CHILDREN!
#127 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: HSS Whistleblower Tara Rodas EXPOSES The Child Sex Slave Trafficking Operation In The U.S. Is Run By OUR Government With OUR Tax Dollars! Are You Going To Allow This To Continue?
Jim Jordan’s letter to Christopher Wray regarding his concerns after speaking with the FBI whistleblowers specifically calls out sex crimes against children.
#105 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Politicians & Officials Are To Blame For The $150 Billion Child Sex Trafficking Industry. Make Sense Why They Won't Investigate Or Fix Our Corrupt & Fraudulent Elections? SOUND OF FREEDOM