1. Should you pay the gains tax on Crypto even though there is no law on the books

    Should you pay the gains tax on Crypto even though there is no law on the books

  2. Could you describe the step-by-step process for authenticating the BC?

    Could you describe the step-by-step process for authenticating the BC?

  3. Do you sugguest signing your agreements with All Rights Reserved without Prejudice

    Do you sugguest signing your agreements with All Rights Reserved without Prejudice

  4. Are contracts automatically revoked when you do an Affidavit and put it into the public

    Are contracts automatically revoked when you do an Affidavit and put it into the public

  5. Does HISAdvocates help people with getting property to become tax exempt

    Does HISAdvocates help people with getting property to become tax exempt

  6. when you say keep you RO registered organization driver license do you renew it at all or just keep

    when you say keep you RO registered organization driver license do you renew it at all or just keep

  7. What is the difference between American National and American State National

    What is the difference between American National and American State National

  8. Is there anything on a passport card or book that shows my being a state Citizen

    Is there anything on a passport card or book that shows my being a state Citizen

  9. What specific bible was accepted in Public Law 97-280 by the Government as law

    What specific bible was accepted in Public Law 97-280 by the Government as law
