Video Excerpts - Anointed Minister Warns Believers in YAHUSHUA/JESUS "You have a responsibility to help this Ministry to warn the people...that there are satanists in the midst of their communities trying to devour them"
Prophecy 70 (key to YAH'S Arsenal) What Will YAHUVEH Do When Calamity Comes Knocking At Your Door? "many times I use this ministry as a barometer" A "Jer 6:27-30 test"
Amightywind Prophecy 88 - I, YAHUVEH, TOY WITH MY ENEMIES! I'm just toying with you (enemy) to show you, it is I, YAHUVEH, that knows all things, so that I only give you enough rope to hang yourself. For you shall die on Haman's gallows.
YAH'S Sheep fleeced. Amightywind Anointed Minister exposes liars/wolves "these people are not worth it" "break yourself free in the NAME OF YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH" have a "one on one relationship with HIM" (mirrored)
Prophecy 111 - I, YAHUSHUA MASHIACH, Grant You a HOLY Divorce Decree, for Those Who Need It. "It was only a matter of time before you both would regret your choices.."