Erica Knight | "When DOD's Biggest Job Is Fighting the Weather. When the FBI Knows About Active Shooters, Yet They Would Rather Prosecute Moms In the PTA. The World Knows. They Smell Our Weakness And They Are Going to Strike." - Erica Knigh
Megyn Kelly | "I Regret Getting the COVID Vaccine, And for the First Time I Tested Positive for An Auto-Immune Issue At My Annual Physical." - Megyn Kelly + "The COVID-19 Vaccines Cause Aids." - The Late Great Dr. Zelenko (May He Rest
Peter Navarro | “When I Sat Across From Fauci That Day, Here Is What He Knew. He Knew That Virus In All Probability Came From The Wuhan Lab. He Was Already Designing A Cover Up.” - Peter Navarro
Satan | Team Satan Mails Us a Letter "Our Servants In Gov't & Media Are Aware of Your Efforts to Restore Donald Trump to the Presidency. You Will Fail. America Is Ours. The Kingdom of Darkness Rise. Your Children Will Convert to Our Way.&quo
Jovan Hutton Pulitzer | “I Can Tell You Many Great Law Makers, Many Great Enforcers, Are Working Behind The Scenes To Make Sure There Are Convictions, To Make Sure We Finally Get To Lock Them Up.” - Jovan Hutton Pulitzer
Jovan Hutton Pulitzer | “It Is Our Job To Remind These Politicians That They Work For Us, They Answer To Us, They Serve At Our Leisure.” - Jovan Hutton Pulitzer
Clay Clark and Aaron Antis | “If You Sit Down It’s Fine, It Can’t Get You, It Can’t Bend Over It Has A Lower Sciatic Nerve Damage, The Virus.” - Clay Clark