27 days agoJews have been kicked out of virtually every country they have inhabited over the past 2000 yearsFree Your Mind Videos
30 days agoJFK tried to get AIPAC to register as a foreign agent, only to then be replaced by LBJ,Free Your Mind Videos
1 month agoIf you were curious why Igor Kirillov was just assassinated, watch this videoFree Your Mind Videos
1 month agoDeclassified CIA documents reveals an awful experiment using poison fog conducted on its own peopleFree Your Mind Videos
1 month agoTelepathy Tapes shows non-verbal children across the country have remarkable rates of “mind reading"Free Your Mind Videos
1 month ago⚠️ Experts say it is possible to kill an entire town with parts from radio shack...🧐Free Your Mind Videos
2 months agoWhile I was being raped, Senator Bernie Sanders was dragged downstairs and told to rape a boyFree Your Mind Videos
1 month agoA Dude That Stares At A Senator That Is Talking For 15 Minutes Only Blinking One Eye Once In A WhileFree Your Mind Videos
1 month agoCarl Miller did his homework …. You don’t need a law degree to defend someone!Free Your Mind Videos
29 days agoTransgender Bonnie Blue is Jewish - A brainwashing tactic to devalue women in the eyes of the worldFree Your Mind Videos
2 months agoSasha Latypova nailed the whole 'pandemic' act of treason in less than 2 minutesFree Your Mind Videos
1 month agoHaving sexuaI intercourse with a 9 yr old girl is not considered sexuaI harassment, this IslamFree Your Mind Videos
1 month agoBEWARE! They Use Fake Flat-Earth Maps to Deflect the Masses from the True FE Map on the Plasma MoonFree Your Mind Videos