1. Multicolored pond fish, top view of beautiful Koi carps fish Japanese swimming in the water

    Multicolored pond fish, top view of beautiful Koi carps fish Japanese swimming in the water

  2. Case Closed - Complete all cases - Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition

    Case Closed - Complete all cases - Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition

  3. Ultimate Fighter - Unlock ten Triad Upgrades - Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition

    Ultimate Fighter - Unlock ten Triad Upgrades - Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition

  4. Gun Nut - Use 10 different firearms to defeat enemies - Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition - PS5

    Gun Nut - Use 10 different firearms to defeat enemies - Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition - PS5

  5. West End Scavenger - Unlock every lockbox in Kennedy Town and Aberdeen - Sleeping Dogs - PS5

    West End Scavenger - Unlock every lockbox in Kennedy Town and Aberdeen - Sleeping Dogs - PS5

  6. Wei of the Road - Complete all Street Races - Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition

    Wei of the Road - Complete all Street Races - Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition

  7. Fashion Victim - Purchase all clothing - Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition

    Fashion Victim - Purchase all clothing - Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition

  8. Hong Kong Super Hacker - Hack every Secrity Camera in the game - Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition

    Hong Kong Super Hacker - Hack every Secrity Camera in the game - Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition

  9. Spiritual Healing - Pray at all of the Health Shrines - Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition - PS5

    Spiritual Healing - Pray at all of the Health Shrines - Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition - PS5

  10. Karaoke Superstar - Achieving 90% and above for all songs at the Karaoke Bars in HK - Sleeping Dogs

    Karaoke Superstar - Achieving 90% and above for all songs at the Karaoke Bars in HK - Sleeping Dogs

  11. Bounty Hunter - Complete all of Roland's Jobs - Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition - PS5

    Bounty Hunter - Complete all of Roland's Jobs - Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition - PS5

  12. Event Driven - Complete half of the open world events - Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition

    Event Driven - Complete half of the open world events - Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition

  13. Golden Touch - Achieve 15 Gold Stat Awards - Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition - PS5

    Golden Touch - Achieve 15 Gold Stat Awards - Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition - PS5

  14. Gaining Face - Achieve Face Level 5 - Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition

    Gaining Face - Achieve Face Level 5 - Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition

  15. Detective - Complete 50% of all missions, cases, favors, events, jobs and races - Sleeping Dogs PS5

    Detective - Complete 50% of all missions, cases, favors, events, jobs and races - Sleeping Dogs PS5

  16. Slight Silver - Achieve 5 Silver Stat Awards - Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition

    Slight Silver - Achieve 5 Silver Stat Awards - Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition

  17. Martial Law - Defeat all 4 Martial Arts Clubs - Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition

    Martial Law - Defeat all 4 Martial Arts Clubs - Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition

  18. That'll Show 'em - Complete Payback - Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition

    That'll Show 'em - Complete Payback - Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition

  19. Strike Gold - Achieve 1 Gold Stat Award - Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition

    Strike Gold - Achieve 1 Gold Stat Award - Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition