When You’re in Divine Coordination with the Sacred Geometry of the Universe.. But You Really Don’t Quite Know How That Benefits You! 😂 | #Shorts #WhatDoesThisEvenMean
The AMORPHIC Secret of God: Alex Jones and Madonna BOTH (Whaaat?) Describe "God" ABSOLUTELY ACCURATELY and Perfectly! | Every Now and Then Alex Jones Refrains From Appeasing His Core Audience with His God-Fearing Act and Talks the Amorphic Truth
Wall Street Uses Tarot Readers? Barrie Dolnick: “Billionaires Use Metaphysics, Millionaires Don’t! I Have a Gift in Prophecy, But it’s a 2-Way Street.. it’s Up to You.” | Nostradamus: “The Reasonable Learn From My Prophecies THE RIGHT PATH!”
There are LITERALLY Countries Around the World Who Live Closer to the Vibration and Technology of Atlantis and Tartaria—The U.S. is Shamefully Not Even Close, and That is BY DESIGN. Not Only Since 2020 to Now, BUT FROM THE MILLISECOND THE U.S. WAS BORN.
What is the 2nd Wave of Volunteers/Starseeds Like? — Dolores Cannon | WE in 5D: The 2nd Wave is Me. And is Probably the Wave Earth Has the Most Quantity of at the Moment.
CAPTURED BY A.I. — Even a 1959 Three Stooges Movie Tells You of the Dark Breakaway Secret Societies' Global Plans with A.I. | Full Movie Linked in the Description, But REMEMBER, it’s Still a Comedy! | #JustForFun #WhatAreTheIlluminatiTellingUs?
If Elon Musk Already Has His Chip How Much Artificial, But Fairly Accurate Intelligence and Knowledge of the Future Does He Have.. and How Might He Attempt to Manipulate it JUST Like The Black Hats and So-Called White Hats Use A.I. Themselves for?
Abraham Hicks—Donald Trump Vs. The Global Elite Illuminati | #2016Flashback | Jesus: "Gentle as a Lamb", AND ALSO "WISE AS A SERPENT AND SHREWD AS A SNAKE!" | Be Real Tho: Even a Master is Not Promised 2024. Ask a Crucified Jesus!