1. The Lost don't want more blind faith, they want FAITH that produces GOOD #jesuschrist #faith

    The Lost don't want more blind faith, they want FAITH that produces GOOD #jesuschrist #faith

  2. Did Noah's Ark have anchor stones with 8 Crosses? #jesuschrist #noahsark #arkencounter #believe

    Did Noah's Ark have anchor stones with 8 Crosses? #jesuschrist #noahsark #arkencounter #believe

  3. Church Leadership in America is failing at giving altar calls #jesuschrist #faith #believer

    Church Leadership in America is failing at giving altar calls #jesuschrist #faith #believer

  4. Does the Shroud of Turin have POLLEN from Jesus crown of THORNS? #jesuschrist #proof #faith #believe

    Does the Shroud of Turin have POLLEN from Jesus crown of THORNS? #jesuschrist #proof #faith #believe

  5. SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN, JESUS WAS IN THE SHROUD OF TURIN!!! #proof #believe #jesuschrist #holy

    SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN, JESUS WAS IN THE SHROUD OF TURIN!!! #proof #believe #jesuschrist #holy

  6. Why does God qualify the called vs calling the qualified? #jesuschrist #alltheglorytogod #wiser

    Why does God qualify the called vs calling the qualified? #jesuschrist #alltheglorytogod #wiser

  7. How to let your GODLY light DESTROY the darkness! #jesuschrist #faith #believer

    How to let your GODLY light DESTROY the darkness! #jesuschrist #faith #believer

  8. Will CHRISTIANS give out what The World IS STARVING FOR? #faith #beliver #jesuschrist

    Will CHRISTIANS give out what The World IS STARVING FOR? #faith #beliver #jesuschrist

  9. How does Father GOD communicate with US? #jesuschrist #holyspirit #bible #faith

    How does Father GOD communicate with US? #jesuschrist #holyspirit #bible #faith

  10. Did God use Ron Wyatt to find BOTH Ark's of the bible? #arkencounter #noahsark #ronwyatt

    Did God use Ron Wyatt to find BOTH Ark's of the bible? #arkencounter #noahsark #ronwyatt

  11. Evil Kid Slashes Old Man's Car Tires on Christmas Prank (Comedy).

    Evil Kid Slashes Old Man's Car Tires on Christmas Prank (Comedy).

  12. WHERE has the LORD COMPLETELY CHANGED CHRISTIANS? #jesuschrist #faith #holyspirit #believe

    WHERE has the LORD COMPLETELY CHANGED CHRISTIANS? #jesuschrist #faith #holyspirit #believe

  13. WHAT IS THE BIBLE FOR? #godsword #holy #faith #creation #jesuschrist #healer #believer

    WHAT IS THE BIBLE FOR? #godsword #holy #faith #creation #jesuschrist #healer #believer

  14. Does the Shroud of Turin prove Bible Prophecy? #jesuschrist #salvation #holy #faith #love

    Does the Shroud of Turin prove Bible Prophecy? #jesuschrist #salvation #holy #faith #love

  15. How does the bible line up with Ron Wyatt's Noah's Ark discovery? #arkencounter #noahsark

    How does the bible line up with Ron Wyatt's Noah's Ark discovery? #arkencounter #noahsark
