Yuval Noah Harari | "Because of the New Technologies, for the First Time They Are Giving Us the Ability to Re-Engineer Humanity, to Re-Engineer the Human Body and the Human Mind."
Yuval Noah Harari | "When the Flood Comes the Scientists Will Build a Noah's Ark for the ELITE leaving the rest to drown, the rest of the people and the rest of the ecosystem. They Are Likely to Be Able to Construct This Technological Noah'
The Great Reset | Klaus Schwab Says, "When You See the Book of Professor Harari Homo Deus..The New Technologies Will Change (Humans) Us. It Is the Fusion of the Physical, Biological and Digital Worlds."
15-Minute Cities | "COVID Has Made a Difference, Pandemics Being Great Accelerators." + COVID Legitimizes the Deployment of Mass Surveillance Even In Democratic Countries and It Makes Surveillance Go Under Your Skin." - Yuval Noah Harari
Monkeypox | Medical Experts NOW Pushing Monkeypox Can Be Spread Via "Any high touch items like money, doorknobs, shopping carts, have the potential for monkeypox transmission." - Dr. Linda Yancey
Monkeypox | How Is the Sexually-Transmitted Monkeypox Spreading to Dogs? | "Even Though the Monkeypox Outbreak Is Spreading In Men Who Have Sex with Men, Anyone Who Is In Contact with Someone Who Has Monkeypox Can Also Be Exposed."
The Great Reset | HERE COMES INTERNET CENSORSHIP!!! New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern | "How Do You Tackle Climate Change If People Do Not Believe It Exists?"