ReAwaken America Tour Documentary | Watch the ReAwaken America Tour Documentary (Featuring General Flynn, Mike Lindell, Mel K & Team America) for FREE Today At:
ReAwaken America Tour Documentary | Watch the ReAwaken America Tour Documentary (Featuring General Flynn, Mike Lindell, Mel K & Team America) for FREE Today At:
Tucker Carlson | "How Did Building Seven Fall Down? Particularly the Building That Was Not Hit By a Plane. Like What Was That? That Doesn't Make Sense from a Structural Point of View. How Did Building Seven Fall Down?" - Tucker Carlson
Yuval Noah Harari | "Imagine the Politician You Most Fear In the World. What Would That Politician Do w/ the Technology & Tools That I AM DEVELOPING RIGHT NOW?" (May 17th 2023)
Joe Rogan & Jim Breuer | "Whether You Are On the Right or Whether You Are On the Left You Don't Want to Give Other Human Beings Control Over What You Can Say & What You Can Think." Breuer Joins FINAL ReAwaken America Tour In Detroit
Yuval Noah Harari | "Do You Think That Democracy Is a Conversation Between Humans? In the U.S. There Is a Legal Path for AI's to Really Take Over. In the U.S. a Corporation Is Considered a Legal Person." - 9/19/2024
Trump | "I'm OK With It (Jail Time). You Don't Beg for Anything. It's Just the Way It Is." - The 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump (June 2nd 2024) + Trump Reacts to Being Found Guilty On All 34 Counts
Yuval Noah Harari | "Money Is the Most Successful Story Ever Told. Money Has No Objective Value. Whether It's the Mythological Creation Stories, Whether It's the Legal Framework of Society It Always Come In the Shape of Stories."
Speaker of the House Mike Johnson | Why Does the Speaker of the House Mike Johnson Do the Opposite of What He Says He Is Going to Do? + Behold the Incredible Budget Expanding Power of Compelling Rhetoric & Jackassery
Tucker Carlson Vladimir Putin Interview | "BRICS countries accounted for only 16% of the world economy in 1992, but now their share is greater than the G7. This is due to the trend of global development and world economy. This is inevitable. This wil
Tucker Carlson Vladimir Putin Interview | Tucker" “You’ve described US presidents making decisions & being undercut by their agency heads. It sounds like you’re describing a system that’s not run by the people who are elected in your tell
Tucker Carlson Vladimir Putin Interview | “Thousands of kilometers away from your national territory! Don't you have anything better to do? You have issues on the border, issues with immigration, issues with the national debt — over $33 trillion