1. Nexus (Woody Delfi) | Techno, Dance, EDM | Single release

    Nexus (Woody Delfi) | Techno, Dance, EDM | Single release

  2. Ray Kurtzweil (loved by Reagan and Clinton) saying he’ll microdust the universe and “create” God

    Ray Kurtzweil (loved by Reagan and Clinton) saying he’ll microdust the universe and “create” God

  3. July 31 Evening Devotional | Praise the Lord Forevermore! | Morning and Evening by C.H. Spurgeon

    July 31 Evening Devotional | Praise the Lord Forevermore! | Morning and Evening by C.H. Spurgeon

  4. What a Type V Civilization Can Do || 1-minute fact || #20k

    What a Type V Civilization Can Do || 1-minute fact || #20k

  5. The Dawning of Olam HaBa: Exploring Judaism’s Vision for the End of Days

    The Dawning of Olam HaBa: Exploring Judaism’s Vision for the End of Days

  6. "Money is a tool." "Used properly, it solves problems and creates opportunities."

    "Money is a tool." "Used properly, it solves problems and creates opportunities."

  7. "You attract wealth by" "believing you are worthy of abundance."

    "You attract wealth by" "believing you are worthy of abundance."

  8. "The more you give, the more" "you receive, including money."

    "The more you give, the more" "you receive, including money."

  9. "The universe is abundant," "and there is more than enough wealth to go around."

    "The universe is abundant," "and there is more than enough wealth to go around."

  10. "When you align your thoughts" "with abundance, money comes naturally to you."

    "When you align your thoughts" "with abundance, money comes naturally to you."

  11. "The key to attracting money" "is to have a mindset of abundance, not scarcity."

    "The key to attracting money" "is to have a mindset of abundance, not scarcity."

  12. "The universe conspires to support" "those who are aligned with their true desires."

    "The universe conspires to support" "those who are aligned with their true desires."

  13. "Everything is energy, and you can" "attract what you want by vibrating at a similar frequency."

    "Everything is energy, and you can" "attract what you want by vibrating at a similar frequency."