As Long as You Don’t [Understand] Both Sides Will Play You—Don’t Think Both Sides Don’t Use [Esoteric Optics] Which You Don’t Understand. And if You’re Emotionally Hysterical Over any Such Events: You Don’t Understand! #AllTheWorldisAstage
‘The Near Future’ is Here. Love Amongst Your Community/Tribe is Key—and Ironically, Whether it’s the NWO or 5D Future… Your Saving Grace is the Same. “Love Song” by Da Bush Babees (Feat. Mos Def).
If You Can be Thankful for Pain as You Can Love & Harmony You’d Soon Cancel Out Pain by Default. When You’re Thankful EVEN for Pain You Realize What You’re Really Thankful for—GROWTH! “It’s a Beautiful Day” by Rushawn and Kiffness.
World Leaders, Conservatives and Liberals Alike Finally Acknowledge the Illuminati. The Enemy is Within, AND WE —ARE— BEATING THEM. Do NOT Conform to Their False Reality!