Catherine Austin Fitts | CBDCs | "This Is a Digital System Where the Central Bankers Can Make Rules About What You Can and Cannot Do With Your Money And They Can Enforce Those Rules With Total Surveillance."
De-Dollarization | "We're Seeing Discussions Around Whether Or Not BRICS Can Create a Currency Pegged to Specific Minerals, Things Like GOLD." - Bloomberg (June 2nd 2023)
SCIF-[107] - biden wants a digital currency, Army recruiting video is awesome, and the G7 discusses doing a test on a virus that attacks young people, this and more.
CBDC | "We Need Some Sort of Digital Certificate. Because We Are Likely to Say to People Working In Nursing Homes, or Hospitals or Maybe Even Schools That They Need to Authenticate That They Have Been Vaccinated." - Bill Gates
Central Bank Digital Currencies & The Great Reset | Could There Be a Connection Between Those Two? "People Will Literally Be Part of a Network." - Yuval Noah Harari + "The Internet of Bodies, Software Will Start Causing Physical Harm to