4 months agoThe law has imprisoned us to our faith, whereas our faith has made us spiritually reborn in Christ!drock5690
4 months agoThe LORD is pleased when YOU walk by faith in his power, ability, and in his goodness towards You!drock5690
4 months agoIf you will help others in their time of need, then the LORD will help YOU in your time of need!drock5690
4 months agoThe LORD will reward YOU when you help others, and there is always a blessing attached to it!drock5690
4 months agoThe gospel of the LORD Jesus gets distorted when it becomes Man's invention & not revealed by Jesus!drock5690
4 months agoThe LORD will use multiple different ways to show YOU the direction to take next!drock5690
4 months agoYou can OVERFLOW in LOVE and kick out the grief, the pain by simply loving on JESUS!drock5690
4 months agoForgive, Comfort, and Encourage others to break free from sorrow, and combat attacks of the enemy!drock5690
4 months agoThere is a miracle on the other side of your giving that God will use to be a blessing to others!drock5690
4 months agoObedience to the LORD brings transformation in your life that brings You up higher!drock5690
4 months agoYou can dwell SAFELY in his HOUSE, the house of the LORD, no matter what comes against YOU!drock5690
4 months agoWhat are some of the purposes that the LORD has revealed to You or spoken over your life?drock5690
4 months agoThe ungodly will walk in their beliefs of the world, but YOU walk by FAITH believing God's promises!drock5690
4 months agoDetermine that TODAY is your day for a MIRACLE, and NOT any other day. But, today is your day!drock5690