1. Before Coffee - Humans are Werid: Let's Work It Out - #shorts Absurd SciFi Stories

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  2. Humans are Weird: We Took a Vote - What Will Our Little Green Friends Think of Us? Book Trailer

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  7. #Shorts Humans are Weird: We Took A Vote hasOver 100 Reviews on Amazon! Thank you all so Much!

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  8. Humans are Weird: Let's Work it Out - Avaliable on Indiegogo October 2022 - #Shorts

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  9. HAW Book 3 Humans are Weird: Let's Work It Out- #shorts Scifi Stories-Monty Python Meets Star Trek

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  11. Caffinated Humans - Humans are Weird: Let's Work It Out - #shorts Absurd Science Fiction Stories

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  12. Sincerity is Not Enough - Writing Advice - C.S. Lewis in "The Vision of John Bunyan" #Shorts

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  13. Absurdity in Humanity - Humans are Weird: We Took a Vote - #shorts

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  15. HAW Book 3 -Humans are Weird: Let's Work It Out- #shorts Scifi Stories-Monty Python Meets Star Trek

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  16. Humans are Weird - Fidget Spinning

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  17. Humans are Weird - Chocolate Cake

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  18. Humans are Weird:Let's Work It Out - #shorts Absurd Scifi Stories-Monty Python Meets Star Trek Book3

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  19. "Humans are Werid: Let's Work It Out" Now Live On Amazon and Barnes & Noble

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  20. The Thing - C S Lewis to J L 1957 #Shorts

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  21. Undulates Favorite Food and Aggriculture - Humans are Weird: Let's Work It Out - #shorts

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  23. Advice to A Young Writer - C S Lewis to T 4, 5 - 1959 #Shorts

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