Vintage: Founder of Group Behind [Colorado Trump Ballot Lawsuit] Admits George Soros IS a Primary Donor! | NOTE: Though One Candidate is [Comparably] Benevolent BOTH are Struggling for Their Version of a Technocracy.
Preview of Part 2 in a Multi-Episode Series Called “Gun Gnomes”! Find it Exclusively on the Indie R Rumble Channel, Linked in the Description Below, AND SUBSCRIBE! | WE in 5D: Don't Defund the Police, BUT EVER WHY BOTHER TO RELY ON POLICE?
BREAKING: Trump Brings Vivek Ramaswamy on Stage at Tonight's New Hampshire Trump Rally! (1/22/24) | WE in 5D: NOTE—When Trump Picks His VP Another [LARGE] “Block” of the Q-Tard/JFK Jr. Narrative Will Be Dissembled.
BREAKING: Soros Controlled MSNBC Wants to BAN the Alex Jones Video Game! | WE in 5D: LOL, Sorry.. I LOVE IT. ...Of Course I'm Not Sorry! #AlexJonesNWOWarsVideoGame
"You Can't SHOCK Someone into Understanding...... One Does Not Cast Pearls to Swine" (Preview) | WE in 5D: A Sleek New Edit of My 2nd Appearance on the Speakeasy Podcast by Perseus of Argos Can be Found at the Indie R Rumble Channel ⇩
Biden was Right in 2020: No War with Iran without Congressional Approval!! | WE in 5D: Let's be Clear—What are World War, Race Wars, Future Cyber Attacks, and Future Pandemics/Vaccine Mandates About? #CancelThe2024Election!
COMIC RELEIF: What Cops and Street-Dwellers Look Like Together in the Beginnings/Phase 1/First Level of 5D Before They're Actually Defunded (Actually Just "Relieved of Duty") Because Cops in a Full-Fledged 5D No Longer Have Purpose..
President Trump on Potential VP Picks + Denies His Campaign Reached Out to RFK Jr., But Says He Likes Him a Lot. RFK Jr. Says His Campaign DID Reach Out—One of Them is Fibbing! | WE in 5D: Full Interview Out Later Today!
Channeler of The 9th Dimensional Pleiadians: How to Deal/Work with That Which You Don't Like—You Have a Right to Discerningly NOT Like it and Have it Leave Your Experience, BUT IF YOU JUDGE IT YOU'RE IN TROUBLE.. it Will Stay with You Forever!
SO.. YOU THINK BECAUSE YOU'RE "GOOD" YOU'RE GOING TO 5D. Ok! The Negative Aren't Going, BUT Neither are 90% of the "Good". The Meek and Non-Productive Go NOWHERE. You Will Stay with What You Have Created—NOTHING.
ConsciouslyAWAKE with Her Qanon Novels — This Type of Behavior, By the Way, Sometimes Indicates Potential Mental Health Issues. Coherence-Lacking Displays are Also Immediately Removed. #GetGROUNDED