1. You are Blessed to be a Giver, and as YOU give, The LORD will BLESS You with more to Give!

    You are Blessed to be a Giver, and as YOU give, The LORD will BLESS You with more to Give!

  2. Wisdom from Heaven will produce good conduct in the Earth, and will prevent YOU from doing Evil!

    Wisdom from Heaven will produce good conduct in the Earth, and will prevent YOU from doing Evil!

  3. The Old Covenant required sacrifice for sin, but the NEW Covenant fulfilled it through JESUS!

    The Old Covenant required sacrifice for sin, but the NEW Covenant fulfilled it through JESUS!

  4. You are God's workmanship and he is creating YOU into a work of art!

    You are God's workmanship and he is creating YOU into a work of art!

  5. God doesn't show favoritism, and he doesn't want YOU poor. But, RICH!

    God doesn't show favoritism, and he doesn't want YOU poor. But, RICH!

  6. Did YOU know that the ANTICHRIST Spirit will deny that Jesus walked the Earth in the Flesh?

    Did YOU know that the ANTICHRIST Spirit will deny that Jesus walked the Earth in the Flesh?

  7. The LORD is coming to bring judgement, and to HONOR those who have been WALKING with him!

    The LORD is coming to bring judgement, and to HONOR those who have been WALKING with him!

  8. Faith speaks into existence what YOU do NOT see into reality, the way God did with the Universe!

    Faith speaks into existence what YOU do NOT see into reality, the way God did with the Universe!

  9. Walking with Jesus is a disciplined lifestyle that brings correction from our Heavenly Father!

    Walking with Jesus is a disciplined lifestyle that brings correction from our Heavenly Father!

  10. The Bible is Inspired and authored by the Holy Spirit, and is guiding us in these DANGEROUS TIMES!

    The Bible is Inspired and authored by the Holy Spirit, and is guiding us in these DANGEROUS TIMES!

  11. The order of Melchizedek is a CONTINUATION of the Sacrifice of the LORD Jesus for YOU and I!

    The order of Melchizedek is a CONTINUATION of the Sacrifice of the LORD Jesus for YOU and I!

  12. There are people who refuse to go past early stages of their faith to mature in their walk with God!

    There are people who refuse to go past early stages of their faith to mature in their walk with God!

  13. The Old Covenant gave a picture of the New Covenant, and that YOU would experience in Heaven!

    The Old Covenant gave a picture of the New Covenant, and that YOU would experience in Heaven!

  14. There are Ministering Angels sent to YOU, to minister to You, and bring you back to Christ!

    There are Ministering Angels sent to YOU, to minister to You, and bring you back to Christ!

  15. The house that we build our legacy for should have its foundation on the LORD Jesus!

    The house that we build our legacy for should have its foundation on the LORD Jesus!

  16. Your Heavenly Father not ONLY wants you to live a disciplined lifestyle, but he wants YOU healed!

    Your Heavenly Father not ONLY wants you to live a disciplined lifestyle, but he wants YOU healed!

  17. The Word of God will not only do a work in your life, but it is a person who will help YOU!

    The Word of God will not only do a work in your life, but it is a person who will help YOU!
