3 years ago351K Votes Seem to Disappear from CA YES total LIVE on CNN - Watch For YourselfThe Charlie Kirk ShowVerified
2 years agoGRAPHIC LANGUAGE: Bystandard Hailed As Hero Lays Out Thief Stealing from Elderly CustomerThe Charlie Kirk ShowVerified
1 year agoTucker Carlson Out at Fox News- Who's Behind This? Darren Beattie RespondsThe Charlie Kirk ShowVerified
2 years agoCLC 2023: Attorneys Robert Barnes & Warner Mendehnall on Charlie KirkVaccine Safety Research FoundationVerified
27 days agoKaroline Leavitt Discusses Her Impressive First Week as White House Press SecretaryThe Charlie Kirk ShowVerified
18 days agoCHARLIE KIRK W/ ED DOWD- A Blitzkrieg of Deep State: Breaking Down Trump's Brilliant DOGE StrategySGANONVerified
3 years agoTexans, Why are Your Children Growing Up and Becoming Like This?The Charlie Kirk ShowVerified
3 months agoA Cautionary Tale: What Will Happen to Senate Republicans Who Oppose the MandateThe Charlie Kirk ShowVerified
2 years agoDr. Phil Loses His Cool After Pro-Life Activist Lila Rose Schools Him With FactsThe Charlie Kirk ShowVerified
3 years agoINCREDIBLE: Elementary School Kids LOSE IT After Learning They Don't Need Masks AnymoreThe Charlie Kirk ShowVerified