2 years agoWhat a REAL WOMAN looks like... @Elliott Hulse wife loved him when he had nothing!21 StudiosVerified
2 years agoAttorney DESTROYS a Karen who thinks child support should fund the mother's lifestyle 👌 🤣21 StudiosVerified
2 years agoThe state uses child support to ROB MEN even if they're homeless -REPEAL TITLE IV-D21 StudiosVerified
2 years agoCorrupt Judges promote divorce to ENSLAVE MEN with child support and fund their retirement accounts!21 StudiosVerified
1 year agoTexas is ran by socialists and is allowing his CRAXY EX to turn his son into a girl!21 StudiosVerified
2 years agoATTORNEY: Why you should NEVER marry a “Born Again Christian”… THE THOT RETIREMENT PLAN21 StudiosVerified
2 years agoQuestion to all feminists: Why are women more unhappy today when they have more rights then men?...21 StudiosVerified
2 years agoPSA TO ALL FEMINISTS: We don't care about your TRASH ideas, JUST LOOK PRETTY!21 StudiosVerified
2 years agoFeminism EXPOSED by feminists as part of a communist agenda to destroy the nuclear family21 StudiosVerified
2 years agoWhy the "good girl" IS A MYTH and actually worse than women who sleep around... SECRET 304s21 StudiosVerified
2 years agoPersisten las protestas por derrota de Bolsonaro en Brasil | Noticias Telemundochoforbirangp
2 years agoPierden fuerza las protestas contra los resultados electorales en Brasil | Noticias Telemundochoforbirangp