4 years agoURGENTE! Enfermeira desmaia após tomar vacina contra a covid-19 da Pfizer-BioNTechmonarquialivre
2 years agoCovid shots damage ribosomes and accelerate aging. The Huaei mushroom helps.Dr Mark Trozzi
1 year agoGod On Earth, Bill Gates, Show A Desire For A Vaccine and Predicts A Future PlandemicProgressiveTruthSeekers
3 years agoBiontech für Zwölfjährige – STIKO: Kein Long-Covid bei Kindern – BILD bittet Kinder um VerzeihungEpochTimesDeutsch
3 years agoОб обязательной "вакцинации" против CoV-19 (Ковид-19): в Молдове вакцинируют уже прямо в автобусахcovidnot
2 years agoProf. Sucharit Bhakdi is working with Thai authorities to nullify the nation'sQuestion EverythingVerified
3 years agoBusinesses have until after the holidays to implement Biden Covid vaccine mandateupdate new cases