2 years agoEpisode Humility 39 - Pride Month moves over for Humility Month - God is Flowing OilLight Humour Ruler
2 years agoEpisode Humility 38 - Pride Month moves over for Humility Month - King of KingsLight Humour Ruler
2 years agoEpisode Prayer Spirit 20 - Get around other people who have the Spirit of GodLight Humour Ruler
2 years agoEpisode Prayer Spirit 19 - You look like you've just become a different personLight Humour Ruler
2 years agoEpisode Prayer Spirit 17 - We are responsible for what we do with God's giftsLight Humour Ruler
2 years agoEpisode Humility 37 - Pride Month moves over for Humility Month - Yeshua our Messiah JesusLight Humour Ruler
2 years agoEpisode Humility 32 - Pride Month moves over for Humility Month - God our shepherdLight Humour Ruler
2 years agoEpisode Humility 33 - Pride Month moves over for Humility Month - God our keeperLight Humour Ruler
2 years agoEpisode Humility 34 - Pride Month moves over for Humility Month - God our warriorLight Humour Ruler
2 years agoEpisode Humility 35 - Pride Month moves over for Humility Month - God our righteousnessLight Humour Ruler
2 years agoEpisode Humility 36 - Pride Month moves over for Humility Month - God our rockLight Humour Ruler
2 years agoEpisode Humility 30 - Pride Month moves over for Humility Month - God delivers usLight Humour Ruler
2 years agoEpisode Humility 31 - Pride Month moves over for Humility Month - God sanctifies us for a purposeLight Humour Ruler
2 years agoEpisode Humility 26 - Pride Month moves over for Humility Month - God our peaceLight Humour Ruler
2 years agoEpisode Humility 27 - Pride Month moves over for Humility Month - God is presentLight Humour Ruler
2 years agoEpisode Humility 28 - Pride Month moves over for Humility Month - God of the breakthroughLight Humour Ruler
2 years agoEpisode Humility 29 - Pride Month moves over for Humility Month - God my confidenceLight Humour Ruler