China & Russia | Was President Xi’s Statement to President Putin (Caught on HOT MIC) A Low Point In History for America? "We're Seeing a Chance We Haven't Seen In 100 Years & We're Driving This Change Together." - Xi Jin
CROWN | "The Crown Measures Neural Activity, The Data Allows Us to Use This Stimuli to Create a Desire Mental State." - Neurosity Crown | Corona = Crown | Corona = 666 | Revelation 6:2 | Once They Control the Data In Your Head, Freedom Is Dead.&
Great Reset | Biden Admin Negotiates Deal to Give WHO Authority Over US Pandemic Policies "Ideally the Response to COVID Should Be the Establishment of a Global Health Care System. COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under Your Skin." Yuval Noah Harari
CBDC | Is BRICS (Brazil, Russian, India, China & South Africa) Planning to Use GOLD to Make Its New CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) Reserve Currency Backed by GOLD?
CBDCs & The Great Reset | "Do You Know About the Plan to Collect & Store Your Most Sensitive Personal Information In a Centralized Database? This Plan Is a Step Toward a Chinese Social Credit System." - Australian Senator Alex Antic
CBDC | "Organizations Like the World Economic Forum, the International Monetary Fund & Central Banks Across the Entire World Are Pushing the Idea of a Centralized Digital Currency. Behind the Scenes, They Are Purchasing Gold." - TheEpochTime
Russia | Why Does the U.S. Have So Many Bio-Research Labs? What Is the Intention Behind These U.S. Bio Labs? Why Is the Pentagon Funding These Bio Labs? What Is the Connection Between Metabiota, Hunter Biden and Rosemont Seneca?
Catherine Austin Fitts | "If You Are Going to Bring In CBDCs Nobody Wants to to Be a Slave, So Most People Are Going to Object to CBDCs. But If You Literally Control the Food and Energy Supply You've Got Them Cornered." - Catherine Austin
World Economic Forum 2023 Meeting | "It's Pretty Extraordinary That a Select Group of Human Beings Are Able to Actually Talk About Saving the Planet. It's Almost Extraterrestrial." - John Kerry
Tony Fauci & Intentional Misuse of Karry Mullis' Polymerase Chain Reaction Tests | Could There Be Connection Between Those Two? "Fauci Doesn't Mind Going On Television & Lie Directly Into the Camera." - Karry Mullis
RESTRICT ACT | "Stalin Couldn't Follow Every Soviet Citizen 24 Hours A Day And Know What He Or She Is Thinking Or Feeling. But a 21st Century Stalin Will Be Able to Do It And We Already Have a Number of Candidates for the Job." - Yuval Noah
Bank Crash | Silicon Valley Bank Fails, Regulators Seize Signature Bank In 3rd Largest U.S. Bank Failure | "CBDC Is Already a Global System. The Chinese Use It. This Is a Way to Control Whether Or Not You Can Actually Spend the Money That You Earn.&q
BRICS | "Now the BRICS Nations, Brazil, Russia, India, China & South Africa Have Announced Plans to Develop a NEW CURRENCY." "COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under the Skin." - Yuval Noah Harari
Dollar Collapse | "In Order to Avoid the Consequences of the Sanctions. Let's Walk Away from the DOLLAR. When Russia Is Trading with China, There Is No Reason to Use the DOLLAR." - Thabo Mbeki (Former President of South Africa)