BREAKING: Mitch McConnell to RESIGN as Senate Republican Leader in November! | WE in 5D: His Choice for November May Indicate That Something is Going –DOWN– Around Election Time!
Sometimes Life’s a Bitch and Being a Bitch Right Back to it is Just You Actually Having Inner-Peace About it All! | Why Roseanne Resonated with Audiences So Much. #ShowClip #Sitcom #CuzIWantTo #LifesABitchAndSoAmI #Shorts
How to Tell Life You’re Done with That Lesson (it’s Actually SO Easy) + The Simplest Way to Change Your Life! — Phil Good | #Shorts #SoEasy #InLessThan60Seconds
BREAKING: Rand Paul Came Out Today to Publicly Reject a Particular GOP Presidential Candidate! Guess Which One... | WE in 5D: He is Personally One of My Top Choices for Trump's VP!
When You’re in Divine Coordination with the Sacred Geometry of the Universe.. But You Really Don’t Quite Know How That Benefits You! 😂 | #Shorts #WhatDoesThisEvenMean
The AMORPHIC Secret of God: Alex Jones and Madonna BOTH (Whaaat?) Describe "God" ABSOLUTELY ACCURATELY and Perfectly! | Every Now and Then Alex Jones Refrains From Appeasing His Core Audience with His God-Fearing Act and Talks the Amorphic Truth
Patriot Streetfighter UNINVITED, and Just the Same Removed Himself, from the Christian NPC Perverse MAGA 3D-Vibe Celebrity-Driven “Make Me Great Again” Corporate-Conservative with Typical Anti-Semite Talking Points… “Reawaken America Tour”!
Numbers Don’t Lie. BUT POLLS DO! Vivek Ramaswamy; Trump's VP? | WE on 5D: My VP Choices Thus far are Vivek Ramaswamy, Kari Lake, Rand Paul, or Tucker Carlson.
Nobody Wins and Everybody Wins (Depending on How You Choose to Look at That). Another Cycle Has Ended, and New Ones Begin! Starting May 2024 the Majority of My Work Will Be EXCLUSIVELY on Locals, Including Readings Which Will Be 100% Only on Locals...