1 year agoLIRA E LULA PRESOS E STF COMEÇA AGIR, DANILO GENTILI PODE VENCER? #shorts #lula #brasil #bolsonaroNiurose
1 year agoToday, Sunday, Autódromo de Interlagos, São Paulo, Formula 1 - people are shoutingThe Rio Times: Latin America and Alternative Narratives
1 year agoToday, Sunday, Autódromo de Interlagos, São Paulo, Formula 1 - people are shoutingThe Rio Times: Latin America and Alternative Narratives
1 year agoaniversário do lula 🐙🐙🐙🐙... encontre preto índio travesti mst lgbtqia+ pobre... só a elite da elite💸ConteudoAnimal
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2 years agoGENERAL HELENO PR3S0 AMANHÃ URGENTE?! #shorts #bolsonaro #lula #generalheleno #golpe #brasil #presosNiurose