Abortions | Why Is the Satanic Temple Opening an Abortion Clinic to Provide 'Religious Abortion' and 'Abortion Ritual 'Care? | Discover the Horrific Stories of Planned Parenthood
CBDCS | Are CBDCs Coming To America July 2023?!!! "Federal Reserve announces July launch for the FedNow Service" - March 15th 2023 FederalReserve.org | "COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under the Skin." - Yuval Noah Harari
CBDCs | General Flynn Rewind (February 13th 2022) | "It's a Controlled Financial Collapse. I Think We Are Going to See Inflation Rates Hit 7%. More Controls By the Federal Reserve. We Are Going to See More Emergency Orders" - General Flynn
COVID Shots | "They Did A Study of Republicans Versus Questions. The Question Was What Percentage of People That Get COVID Require Hospitalization? The Answer Is Less Than 1%. Almost Half Democrats Thought It Was Over 50%." - Bill Maher
CBDC | "The Internet of Things Is Moving Inside the Human Body. This Is Depicted In the Neural Lace Project of Elon Musk." "You Won't Be Able to Survive Unless If You Are Disconnected from the Net." - Yuval Noah Harari
Bill Gates | "We Are Taking Things That Are Genetically Modified Organisms and We Are Injecting Them Into Little Kids' Arms. We Just Shoot Them Right Into the Vein." - Bill Gates + "People Will Literally Be Part of a Network."
CBDC | Is India Rolling Out Central Bank Digital Currencies? "COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under Your Skin." - Yuval Noah Harari + "CBDC, It Was Around This Large And Will Be Implanted Under Your Skin." - Professor Richard Werner
Banking Crisis | "The Banks Are In Pretty Good Shape. I Don't See Anything On the Horizon That's About to Explode." - President Joe Biden | "It's Important That People Can Understand That They Can Be Bailed In." - FDIC
Red Heifers | Are Five Red Heifers Almost Ready? Have the Preparations Been Made to Build the Third Temple? What Is the Significance of the Red Heifers?
The Great Reset | "How We Are Going to Go Through This Transformation? It Must Be Driven By a Certain Shock." Prof. Arturo Bris, Director, IMD World + "Only a Catastrophe Can Shake Human Kind And Create a Path to Global Governance." -
China & Russia | Was President Xi’s Statement to President Putin (Caught on HOT MIC) A Low Point In History for America? "We're Seeing a Chance We Haven't Seen In 100 Years & We're Driving This Change Together." - Xi Jin
Klaus Schwab | “My Book (The Fourth Industrial Revolution) Was Considered SCIENCE FICTION, All of Those Technologies Have Become Reality." - Klaus Schwab (Author of The Great Reset Speaking At World Government Summit 2023)
CBDC | Why Are the Amazon And Walletmor Companies Pushing the Concept of Paying With Your Hand? What Does the Text Found In Revelation Chapter 13: 16-18 Say?
15 Minute Cities | The Great Reset + "A Vision for the Future" - Pat Gelsinger (CEO of Intel) + VERTIV Presentation Sharing Their Vision for Smart 15-Minute Cities