1. There is a Joy when the incarnate word is made manifest among believers in Unity!

    There is a Joy when the incarnate word is made manifest among believers in Unity!

  2. The Wicked will have JUDGEMENT come upon them, because of their MISTREATMENT of God's People!

    The Wicked will have JUDGEMENT come upon them, because of their MISTREATMENT of God's People!

  3. It is out of God's LOVE for us that we ought to love ONE ANOTHER, and look out for each other!

    It is out of God's LOVE for us that we ought to love ONE ANOTHER, and look out for each other!

  4. You cannot keep God's Word in your Heart, and hate your brother!

    You cannot keep God's Word in your Heart, and hate your brother!

  5. There will be times when YOU are Tired from doing continual Good, but there is Peace from the LORD!

    There will be times when YOU are Tired from doing continual Good, but there is Peace from the LORD!

  6. The LORD will show MERCY on WHOEVER He chooses, regardless of how BAD You messed it Up!

    The LORD will show MERCY on WHOEVER He chooses, regardless of how BAD You messed it Up!

  7. Did YOU know others will mention You in their prayers, because your prayers were answered?

    Did YOU know others will mention You in their prayers, because your prayers were answered?

  8. Your Master in Heaven is waiting to hear from YOU, as You consistently pray to him!

    Your Master in Heaven is waiting to hear from YOU, as You consistently pray to him!

  9. The LOVE of Money has caused people to depart the FAITH for EVIL, and we are to STAND against Evil!

    The LOVE of Money has caused people to depart the FAITH for EVIL, and we are to STAND against Evil!

  10. Can A Christian Lose Their Salvation? | Christian Bible Study

    Can A Christian Lose Their Salvation? | Christian Bible Study

  11. You can RECEIVE Messages from the LORD, as YOU are a Student of the Word!

    You can RECEIVE Messages from the LORD, as YOU are a Student of the Word!

  12. Do not get distracted and remain CALM continuing to do the work that the LORD has shown YOU!

    Do not get distracted and remain CALM continuing to do the work that the LORD has shown YOU!

  13. Speak the MESSAGE the LORD has given YOU, because the TRUTH is what others need to HEAR from You!

    Speak the MESSAGE the LORD has given YOU, because the TRUTH is what others need to HEAR from You!

  14. For This Reason // Luke 11:49-51 #bible #jesus #gospelofluke

    For This Reason // Luke 11:49-51 #bible #jesus #gospelofluke

  15. Solid Rock Community Church (Sanford, NC) - Come To Jesus

    Solid Rock Community Church (Sanford, NC) - Come To Jesus

  16. Solid Rock Community Church (Sanford, NC) - Jesus Loves Me

    Solid Rock Community Church (Sanford, NC) - Jesus Loves Me

  17. You don't have to chase angels, because angels are a part of the kingdom of heaven!

    You don't have to chase angels, because angels are a part of the kingdom of heaven!

  18. The LORD Jesus is Supreme over EVERYTHING, and it must be subjected to his will, plan and purpose!

    The LORD Jesus is Supreme over EVERYTHING, and it must be subjected to his will, plan and purpose!

  19. There is JOY when YOU Pray for those You KNOW that are hurting!

    There is JOY when YOU Pray for those You KNOW that are hurting!

  20. The LORD is looking for his PEOPLE to be EXAMPLES of what our FAITH looks like!

    The LORD is looking for his PEOPLE to be EXAMPLES of what our FAITH looks like!

  21. You can focus on the Bible, and on the LORD Jesus, regardless of the onslaught of the enemy!

    You can focus on the Bible, and on the LORD Jesus, regardless of the onslaught of the enemy!
