3 years agoFDA clears kids as young as 12 for Pfizer COVID vaccine, Henderson pediatrician weighs inKTNVVerified
3 years agoThe PCR test was based on a MIMIC and lost it's Emergency Use AuthorizationLogic and critical thinker
2 years agoFDA Commish Says We Can Keep Emergency Use Authorization Going Regardless Of Public Health EmergencyRVM News ClipsVerified
3 years agoFDA authorizes Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for emergency use in 12 to 15-year-oldsWXYZVerified
3 years agoBiden On Vaccinating 5-11 Year Old Children - FDA Authorization Despite Almost Zero RiskCarsonclee
2 years agoIf pharmaceutical companies presented dishonest information to gain emergency use authorization, could they be sued by the vaccine-injured or by families of those who have died?FLCCCAllianceVerified
4 months agoThe vaccines are produced by military contractors, says Peter McCullough, MDConcerned for Truth
3 years agoFDA Member says we won't know covid vax is safe for kids until we start giving it to themVitoris84
1 year agoFDA Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf Says Emergency Use Authorizations Don’t Have an End DateThe Rio Times: Latin America and Alternative Narratives
2 years agoNEW — FDA Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf Says Emergency Use Authorizations Don’t Have an End DateChief Nerd
3 years agoThe PCR test was based on a MIMIC and lost it's Emergency Use AuthorizationWake up in Leo's Head