CBDCs | "You (Joe Biden) Were One of the Most Engaged and Hardest Working Members Here At the Annual (World Economic Forum) Meeting." - Klaus Schwab (2016 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting)
Banking Collapse | "FDIC Bailouts Are Happening Now Are Going to Drain the FDIC. The FDIC Only Have a Maximum of $125 Billion In Its Insurance Bailout Fund to Start With. And the Value of the Dollars That You Have Will Continue to Erode." - Mike
CBDC | "Central Bank Digital Currencies Are Just Demand Side Communism." CBDC | "Central Bank Digital Currencies Are Just Demand Side Communism." - Nobody Special + "If You Don't Behave You Can Have Your Money Turned Off.&quo
CBDC | "What Rights Does a Homoborgenesis Have?" - Todd Callendar + "We're Taking Things That Are Genetically Modified Organism And We Are Injecting Them Into Little Kids' Arms." - Bill Gates
CBDC | "It's Very Hard for People Who've Grown Up and Enjoyed Western Liberty and Human Liberty to Imagine We Are Going Into a (CBDC) System Where Our Homes, Our Cars and Our Communities Become Digital Concentration Camps." - Catherine
CBDC | "CBDC Allow Targeted Policy Functions. By Programming CBDC, Money Can Be Targeted for What Kind of People Can Own & What Kind of Use This Kind of Money Can Be Utilized." - Bo Li
Yuval Noah Harari | "Dealing with COVID, Even Religious Leaders Followed Scientific Advice. You Saw the Pope Telling People Don't Come to Church Because This Will Spread the Epidemic. The Chief Value of Science Is Power. Science Is About Power.&