GET TO KNOW YOUR SHERIFF. Cuz When You're Tired of This Crap This is What the Scene Looks Like—Not Because You Can't Do Better, But You Never Do. Humans Wait Til the Last Minute and Corner Themselves into the TOUGHEST Timelines. So, Be Ready!!
VOTE TRUMP. ...His Words Not Mine (But I Agree, Though I Don't Think Many Quiet-Mouthed 'Spiritual Teachers' Who Counted on Him in Their Own –Fixed– Way Do; Nor Did They Expect This 😂)
New Yorkers Praise President Trump Right in Front of Biden and Harris at 9/11 Memorial! + Sleepy-Joe Too Sleepy to Realize He Put on a MAGA Hat or is This Just Lost Humor?
Trump's Old Classmate with a Blast-From-The-Past Story, Which Doesn't Shock Most Who've Kept Track of Trump 40+ Years, But is Kept Hidden By the Modern-Liberals and Certainly Rothschild-Owned Illuminati Media!
President Trump STUNS Reporters/Media as He Calls for Nancy Pelosi to Be PROSECUTED for This! | From President Trump's FIERY Press Conference at Trump Tower, NYC (9/26/24)
F.B.I. Whistleblower KEEPS IT REAL with the American Public and Issues DIRE Warning! | #ITSGETTINGSERIOUSNOW #QanonWillSayTheMilitaryIsInControl –BUT– #TheMilitaryAreActuallyCriminalsAboutToSurrenderToHumanity
Prince on the Contractual Games You Opt in to (Which is Fine as a Choice, But it's More a Programming). You are Rarely Willing to Change the Game (and You Can). It'll REMAIN DIFFICULT Til You Stop Looking Outside of You, and CHANGE IT YOURSELF!
DeSantis NUKES Kamala After She Politicizes Hurricanes Against Him—She is IRRELEVANT in This Process [and in Any Process Over All, Except for (by Default) Waking Up Souls Still Functioning Under the Soulless Frequency of #TheBackfillPeople!]
Alex Confronts Former N.I.H. Director, Francis Collins at the Airport, Who Almost Seemed to Repent.. Simultaneously, Alex Jones is Revered by Supporters! | #Nuremberg2🔥🔱
No Matter How Bad You Think Earth is Most Souls DON'T Act This Way Before Arrival.. Unless You're One of the Few Who SPECIFICALLY Cared Nothing for Participating with and Watching Humanity During The Great Awakening! #HoldUpiThinkiMadeAmistake