Video of rich thief/antichrist preacher Creflo Dollar says JESUS (YAHUSHUA in Hebrew) OF THE BIBLE was not GOD ALMIGHTY and we are fantasy preachers that say HE Is! (mirrored)
antichrist Preacher Rod Parsley demonstrates strangefire! False Claims! He mocks YAH GOD, knows HIM not! Leads masses to a fake dark jesus, not JESUS (YAHUSHUA) of the BIBLE (mirrored)
MASS COWARDICE/WEAKNESS For Years US Military ignored rape of boys in places like Afghanistan! Told to STAND DOWN! Few Heroes Fought Back! US forces Weak never will defeat Russia & China (mirrored)
Prophecy 111 - I, YAHUSHUA MASHIACH, Grant You a HOLY Divorce Decree, for Those Who Need It. "It was only a matter of time before you both would regret your choices.."
Amightywind Prophecy 20 Excerpts. YAH Will Send A "New Boiling Black Blood Plague To Come!" Soon Miracle sex drug-satan's curse, insane addictions, worse than AIDS "sex sin with animals" Reckless sexuality!
Dollar Collapse | Why Did President Trump Say? "Our Currency Is Crashing & Will Soon No Longer Be World's Standard. Which Will Be Our Greatest Defeat Frankly In 200 Years." - President Trump (4/5/23) + BRICS to Introduce New Currency?
Dollar Collapse | 7 Signs That Global De-Dollarization Has Shifted In OverDrive!!! "Our Currency Is Crashing & Will Soon No Longer Be World's Standard. Which Will Be Our Greatest Defeat Frankly In 200 Years." - President Trump (4/5/23)