1. Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus (Cross of Jesus)

    Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus (Cross of Jesus)

  2. Great Shepherd of Thy People, Hear (Belgrave)

    Great Shepherd of Thy People, Hear (Belgrave)

  3. O! Dduw, Ein Nerth Mewn Oesoedd Gynt (St Anne)

    O! Dduw, Ein Nerth Mewn Oesoedd Gynt (St Anne)

  4. While Shepherds Watched their Flocks (Winchester Old)

    While Shepherds Watched their Flocks (Winchester Old)

  5. Come Thou Redeemer of the Earth (Puer Nobis Nascitur)

    Come Thou Redeemer of the Earth (Puer Nobis Nascitur)

  6. Behold the Great Creator Makes (Kilmarnock)

    Behold the Great Creator Makes (Kilmarnock)

  7. Songs of Thankfulness and Praise (St George's Windsor)

    Songs of Thankfulness and Praise (St George's Windsor)

  8. Hark An Aweful Voice is Sounding (Merton)

    Hark An Aweful Voice is Sounding (Merton)

  9. As Now the Sun's Declining Rays (St Peter)

    As Now the Sun's Declining Rays (St Peter)

  10. Angel Voices, Ever Singing (Angel Voices, by Monk)

    Angel Voices, Ever Singing (Angel Voices, by Monk)

  11. Behold the Amazing Gift of Love (Rodmell)

    Behold the Amazing Gift of Love (Rodmell)

  12. From All that Dwell Below the Skies (Illsley)

    From All that Dwell Below the Skies (Illsley)

  13. Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken (Austria)

    Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken (Austria)

  14. Saviour, Again to Thy Dear Name (Ellers)

    Saviour, Again to Thy Dear Name (Ellers)
