1 year ago"islam dirtying London!" - K S Tashmint; "look how Islam brings despair and ritual religiosity"HARPAXO
1 year ago"Yes2023 referendum is another government lie with no jurisdiction in law" 1 Fact Checkers AuHARPAXO
1 year agoproject blue beam - counterfeit aliens who demand humans be vaccinated before approaching earthHARPAXO
1 year ago"This traitor betrayed Canada." "Trudeau in the Eternal Lake of Fire, God's Judgement is Coming."HARPAXO
2 years ago"Scott Morrison Freemason SCOMO stinky luciferic demonic socialist communist longpig" Consumer ezine 31HARPAXO
1 year agoelite toy with children for satanic purposes by vaccinating them first to make them docileHARPAXO
2 years agoDr. Paul Thomas & Dr. Ben Tapper: Unvaccinated Children Are MUCH Healthier Than Vaccinated ChildrenSunfellow Health & Healing
1 year ago"never forget what these demons said and what they did!" The Highwire Vaccines = KillshotsHARPAXO
2 years agoRussell Brand the shill thinks this psychopath Yuval Noah Harari is a beautiful personHARPAXO
2 years agothis is how stupid and asleep politicans are, having sold their souls for a paycheckHARPAXO