Today at a Kansas City Walmart: Oh Come Let Us Adore and Worship Another Annunaki! | You Can Still Enjoy the Holiday Season [AND KEEP IT REAL WITH YOURSELF TOO!]
Vintage: Founder of Group Behind [Colorado Trump Ballot Lawsuit] Admits George Soros IS a Primary Donor! | NOTE: Though One Candidate is [Comparably] Benevolent BOTH are Struggling for Their Version of a Technocracy.
BEST CHRISTMAS MESSAGE Tucker Carlson Could Give Audiences! 🎄 | Religion and Personal Spiritual Beliefs Should NOT Run Government and Vice Versa—THEY ARE TO BE KEPT ENTIRELY SEPARATE!
Preview of Part 2 in a Multi-Episode Series Called “Gun Gnomes”! Find it Exclusively on the Indie R Rumble Channel, Linked in the Description Below, AND SUBSCRIBE! | WE in 5D: Don't Defund the Police, BUT EVER WHY BOTHER TO RELY ON POLICE?
What a SOLD SOUL for a Police Officer Looks Like.. — Jean Noland, “Inspired”. | WE in 5D: MAGA-Tards with Their Outdated Blue Lives Matter Crap, Go FkKk Yourselves. If the Time Should Come 90% of Cops WILL "JU$卐 BE DOING THEIR JOB"!
THAT’S the Frank Speech I Like to Hear... Even Though if I was on Mike’s Frank Speech Platform I’d Eventually be Removed Over My Speech. Still.. I Like This. Truth is Truth. #ExpressYourselfDontRepressYourself
The Gift is Your Position to Play a Role Outside of Source to be a Force in Expansion, and You Said Yes with Excitement—Be Grateful. Getting Caught up in the Illusion of the Role Results in Being Stuck on the Karmic Wheel. Heal Within and Thus Without!